NEA: Flatplans
Front Cover Flatplan
I started off with drawing the main image that will take over the majority of the front cover. For my front cover I wanted to concentrate on the artist as the article revolves around her and her work as opposed to other features like the clothing and/or location, therefore I drew a closeup shot of my model. I then drew the masthead after deciding that I may want it to be behind the musician to emphasise her importance. However after viewing the overall look of the masthead I may decide to place it in front of the model because of the using a short, simple masthead that may be lost behind the closeup shot. The type of shot will also draw enough attention to the artist and I want the masthead to stand out on its own as I want to create a strong brand that will be memorable. I then decided to create a place for my artist's name. Looking at other magazine covers the most suitable place for this was beneath the main image as it almost acts as a caption for the image whilst still allowing it to be seperately prominent. I further added coverlines and a barcode in isolated places as i wanted a simplistic look for my front cover as opposed to having crowded components. I also placed coverlines in the bottom corner of the page, which are not as prominent, highlighting that the writing will most likely need to be in a very light colour if I want to show it overlapping the image. I used a plain colour for the background of the cover as if I don't use a unedited background it would be because I want a simplistic background that is still eye-catching. I may also choose to make the background colour match with the clothing and/or coverlines on the front cover. I decided to leave the masthead white as I feel white ensures it stands out against the background and makes it bold against the rest of the cover.
Double Page Spread Flatplan

I began constructing the layout after looking at numerous articles from magazines that I found matched the vibe I wanted for my product. I decided to start off by drawing a main image that I want to take up the majority of the second page. This will include a picture of the artist, probably mid-shot, on a larger scale, letting the viewer feel as though they are being more acquainted with the musician.
I then began placing the text by starting off the magazine with a quote. I wanted the quote to be emphasised so I will use it in an isolated area. I then began my article by placing my artist's name but I might change the positioning to the top of the page so it can span across both the pages. I will then incorporate writing in columns whilst leaving indents within the layout to place images that may link to the text. I want to try and incorporate captions on each individual image to give the audience more insight into the musician, i.e. writing what she is wearing. I want some of my images and text to overlap the main image to display the picture as indented into the page showing her dedicated to the words that are being said, in a way the text show what is underneath her appearance. I decided I wanted to use a block capital because of the numerous images and captions it would make it easier for the reader to know where the article begins
Double Page Spread Flatplan

I began constructing the layout after looking at numerous articles from magazines that I found matched the vibe I wanted for my product. I decided to start off by drawing a main image that I want to take up the majority of the second page. This will include a picture of the artist, probably mid-shot, on a larger scale, letting the viewer feel as though they are being more acquainted with the musician.
I then began placing the text by starting off the magazine with a quote. I wanted the quote to be emphasised so I will use it in an isolated area. I then began my article by placing my artist's name but I might change the positioning to the top of the page so it can span across both the pages. I will then incorporate writing in columns whilst leaving indents within the layout to place images that may link to the text. I want to try and incorporate captions on each individual image to give the audience more insight into the musician, i.e. writing what she is wearing. I want some of my images and text to overlap the main image to display the picture as indented into the page showing her dedicated to the words that are being said, in a way the text show what is underneath her appearance. I decided I wanted to use a block capital because of the numerous images and captions it would make it easier for the reader to know where the article begins
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